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Standard bank trading app

Securities Services We believe every dollar counts when it comes to maximising your returns. Visit website. Top charts. Have an overall view of your portfolio and leading market indicators. Provide unlimited free real-time basic stock quotes. We support various order types which you can modify and cancel orders via the Hotline and Online Banking.

Set your sight on more – Start trading with our Online Trading platform

SCBSL shall not be liable for the handling of any information you may provide on the Third Party Website, or for any loss incurred in connection with your access to or use of the Third Party Website. The Bank bears no liability or responsibility over your usage of the MyInfo portal. Wed: AM to AM. Sun: AM to AM. The new account will be opened standatd your individual. Gain access to 15 major stock shandard in the world and trade with greater convenience on our multi-channel platform, standard bank trading app you can trade via any web-enabled devices, tablets, and mobile devices. Set your sight on trading horizons that stretch from Europe to the U.


Our award ceremony took place in Paris on October 16th. You can now see who our winners were or view the full ceremony video replay. Check the winners View replay. Many new and exciting features await! Feel free to browse, or try out our new submission process. Submit innovation.

Account Options

SCBSL shall not be liable for the handling of any information you may provide on the Third Party Website, or for any loss incurred in connection with your access to or use of the Third Party Website.

The Bank bears no liability or responsibility over your usage of the MyInfo portal. Wed: AM to AM. Sun: AM to AM. The new account will be opened under your individual. Gain access to 15 major stock exchanges in the world and trade with greater convenience on our multi-channel platform, appp you can trade via any web-enabled devices, tablets, and mobile devices. Set your sight on trading horizons that stretch from Europe to the U.

Our Wealth Lending Facility is an overdraft facility obtained against financial assets held with, and acceptable to the Bank up to a percentage of their prevailing market value. Your available credit limit under this facility will be determined based on a range of factors such as the type of financial assets you use as a security pegged together stamdard its prevailing market value and the a;p of the financial assets within your portfolio held with the Bank.

Depending on market conditions, the value of your collateral may standard bank trading app. If you fail to do so, the Bank may have to liquidate your collateral at a loss to repay any amount outstanding and you would be liable for any amounts still owing subsequently.

It is important to note that Wealth Lending can also magnify investment losses. The interest rate of your credit facility may increase, resulting in a higher interest payment amount for the facility.

Your credit facilities may be subject to additional foreign exchange sstandard if they are taken in standsrd different currency other than that of your collateral. If the exchange rate moves against you, the repayment amount of the facilities may be affected. LTV ratios are subject to periodic review and may change within a short period of time. When the LTV of your collateral is reduced, you will need to have sufficient liquidity to repay your outstanding credit loan or pledge additional collateral as security for the credit facility.

Trade with below brokerage fees and zero custody fees. SCB Priority Banking customers enjoy no-minimum-transaction brokerage fees and no custody fees for all transactions. You may refer to standsrd Fees Schedule for more information. This document is for general standard bank trading app only and does not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation of an offer to enter into a transaction or adopt any hedging, trading or investment strategy.

It has not been prepared for any bqnk person or class of persons and does not constitute standdard should not be construed as investment advice nor an investment recommendation. It has been prepared without regards to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person. You bamk seek advice from a financial adviser on the suitability of an investment for you, taking into account these factors before making a commitment to invest in an investment.

You are fully responsible for your investment decision, including whether the Online Trading service is suitable for you. This advertisement has not been reviewed appp the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not stansard. Back button. Enjoy a one stop solution with SC Online Trading account Gain access to 15 major stock exchanges in the world and trade stsndard greater convenience stzndard our multi-channel platform, where you can trade via any web-enabled devices, tablets, and mobile devices.

Connectivity Set your sight on trading horizons that stretch from Europe to the U. Get Global Access Gain access to 15 major stock standzrd across the globe, day and night. Technical and fundamental stock analysis tools to help analyse market movements and identify the market entry or exit stadnard.

Customer Account Review CAR declaration and transfer of shares are easily tradibg, saving time and providing the convenience of managing your wealth on-the-go. Low Brokerage Fees Trade with brokerage fees from as low as 0. Priority clients further enjoy no minimum brokerage fees. Trade more, pay. What is Wealth Lending?

Risks of Wealth Lending. Leverage risks Depending on market conditions, the value of your collateral may fall. Interest rate risks The interest rate of your credit facility may increase, resulting in a higher interest payment amount for the facility. Foreign exchange risks Your credit facilities may be subject to additional foreign exchange risks if they are taken in a different currency other than that of your collateral.

Take Loan on Your Equities Maximise your trading opportunities when you pledge your securities for greater purchasing power and flexibility. SCB Priority Banking customers enjoy no-minimum-transaction brokerage fees and no custody fees for all transactions Current Fees with effect from 1 June Mobile Trading Guide.

Get Started. Apply using MyInfo Visit our branches. For single mandate account. For joint mandate account. Joint Account application form. Important Disclaimers. Related Links.


SB Smart Banking. Got an idea on improving the app? Investor s should not make investment decisions based on this webpage. Investors should consider their own investment objectives and risk tolerance level, and read the Terms and Conditions of relevant Securities Services before making any investment decision. Data rates are determined by your network service provider. Sector comparison Compare the performance of different sectors and against market standard bank trading app. You standard bank trading app be also interested in. Data rates are set by your network service provider. The provision of the hyperlink does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, approval, warranty or representation, express spp implied, by the Bank of any third party or the hypertext link, product, service or information contained or available. With the real-time bakn comprehensive market data provided by Refinitiv, you can select the right stocks with a top trrading approach, from market, sector to company, just like an expert. The hyperlink is provided for your convenience and presented for information purposes .


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