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Space trading game app

space trading game app

Top charts. Benjamin Schieder. Add to Wishlist. Build heroic group of 4 by combining unique talents in a turn-based tactics RPG.

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Starband is a space exploration and trading game based on the classic computer space game ‘Elite’. The goal, apart from survival, is to amass as much money as possible, fit out your ship to the highest specs, and make it to Elite status. Travel the galaxy stamping out pirates, become a peaceful trader avoiding trouble, or become a notorious dealer in illegal goods. The choice is yours. Starband provides literally hours upon hours of gameplay. Containing over 60 planets for you space trading game app traverse across 6 galactic sectors, 12 different upgrades for your ship, 8 different add-ons, lots of tradng encounters, loads of enemies, and a ton of randomly generated missions.

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space trading game app
Search downloads. Starband Space Trading Game. Add to favorites Add to list Report. Starband is a space exploration and trading game based on the classic computer space game ‘Elite’. The goal, apart from survival, is to amass as much money as possible, fit out your ship to the highest specs, and make it to Elite status. Travel the galaxy stamping out pirates, become a peaceful trader avoiding trouble, or become a notorious dealer in illegal goods. The choice is yours.

Search downloads. Starband Space Trading Game. Add to favorites Add to list Report. Starband is a space exploration and trading game based on the classic computer space game space trading game app. The goal, apart from survival, is to amass as much money as possible, fit out your ship to the highest specs, and make it to Elite status. Travel the galaxy stamping out pirates, become a peaceful trader avoiding trouble, or become a notorious dealer in illegal goods.

The choice is yours. Starband provides literally hours upon hours of gameplay. Containing over 60 planets for you to traverse across 6 galactic sectors, 12 different upgrades for your ship, 8 different add-ons, lotsof discoverable encounters, loads of enemies, and a ton of randomly generated missions. There are 5 categories of enemy ships some are passive unless provoked and combat is in real-time. Watch your legal status! If you start breaking the law, police will be on the lookout for you.

There are hidden encounters and storylines in each sector, can you find them? This game is free to play for Sectors 1 and 2. To unlock Sectors you need to install the Starband Unlocker App. Let us know. We would love to hear your comments. Suggest for you. Star strawberry.

Google Photos. Download APK. All Video Thumbnail Downloader. Kids Painting. Destination Sol. Spaceship V. Celestial Assault Reloaded. Space trading game app HD. Starband Pro Unlocker. Space Ace. Landit — Space Lander. Fox Digital Entertainment, Inc. More from Phantomapps. Energy Key Tracker Free. Energy Key Tracker Pro. Night Light v3. Elite Dangerous TradePad.

Elite Dangerous TradePad Pro. Bookmarks using Gmail. Sunburn Timer.

Endless Sky — (Open World Space Sim)

We aim to respond within 24 hours. Top charts. Eligible for Family Library. You can even force a trader to allow you to plunder his ship. Space Trading Profiteer [Lite]. Send questions, comments, or bug reports to space trading game app brucelet. Flag as inappropriate. Ghost Track Inc. Add to Wishlist. If you enjoy space-trading games, working your way up from being a lowly space trucker through to becoming a mega-rich gazillionaire, then you’re going to love Profiteer. Visit website. Heroes of Steel RPG. View details. Your goal is to earn enough money, whether by honest trading or other, seedier means, to retire to your own moon.


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