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Buy bitcoin newsagent australia

buy bitcoin newsagent australia

As a result, the process makes it easy for people who wish to get involved, but only want to invest a small amount. CoinDesk is an independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups. Your email address will not be published.

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Do you want to pick up a Women’s Weekly and a cold drink to go with it? You’re in luck. It’s been available for a while, but bigcoin marks a significant expansion of its available locations. What you’re looking at there is someone handing over cash. Specifically two twenties and probably a pair of fivers. The newsagent then taps the appropriate buttons and does their thing on their mini iPad, and prepares it to scan a QR code. To receive the bitcoin or Ethereum, the cryptocurrency buyer bitccoin lets the iPad scan their QR code.

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buy bitcoin newsagent australia
Last Updated on March 1, Bitcoin still remains largely inaccessible to the majority of people. Anyone can sign up for an exchange, but few people feel comfortable sharing their identity and associated documents. Newsagents in Australia will try to address this problem moving forward. Bitcoin and Ethereum can be purchased in-store at over 1, locations. This news comes a rather big surprise to everyone outside of Australia. The country is relatively quiet on the cryptocurrency front, for the most time.

Aussies can now buy cryptocurrency at the newsagent, with just a phone and email address. $50 minimum.

You read that right. The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides by a strict set of editorial policies. Last June, the exchange also launched a fiat-to-crypto exchange in Uganda. Rebecca Campbell Journalist. Share on facebook. Apart from magazines, piles of newspapers and 15 year buy bitcoin newsagent australia peaking through porno mags; newsagents now sell bitcoins. Bitcoin in Australia image via Shutterstock. Despite this long-winded approach, the past 12 months saw over 40, transactions being processed through this method. If you want to learn more than do your own research.


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