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Day trading stocks app reddit

day trading stocks app reddit

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day trading stocks app reddit
Robinhood, started in , is the most popular of a wave of apps to have emerged in recent years that try to reinvent the previously staid world of personal finance for the smartphone era. While most financial services companies now offer mobile apps, they tend to be smaller version of their sober websites, geared at keeping users informed and educated while also offering the chance to trade. Rather than directing users to adopt a coherent strategy, the app pushes riskier options like individual stocks and cryptocurrencies — and even offers trading on borrowed money, known as margin, and options trading, both of which are used by advanced investors but carry extreme risk. The way that tech companies design their apps — most notably the tricks they employ to spur user engagement — is under more scrutiny than ever before. The app has elements of fun, echoing in subtle ways the congratulatory elements of smartphone games that spur users to keep playing. Financial professionals say those elements encourage people — many of them young and inexperienced — to celebrate day-trading and develop risky habits that will cost users money over time.

Volume and liquidity

All rights reserved. It makes me really wonder what the point of the PDT rule is and whose really benefiting cause so far in my short trading ‘career’ I haven’t seen tradign but making sure traders cant take wins when they have. Been good chating homie. Set your stops and take your profits when you. Exactly as I have stated. The vast, vast majority undeperformed the market horribly.


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